Zomb's Lair is the passion project of a long-time PC gamer dedicated to bringing old classics to a modern audience, while eliminating all of the hurdles that that normally entails.
What you'll find here are installation packages that allow the relevant games to be installed and played on modern versions of Windows, with easy to use desktop and/or start menu shortcuts and an uninstall option for quick removal. All of the setup has been done for you beforehand, whether in DOSBox for DOS/Windows 3.1 games or via various video wrappers, engine replacers, patches, etc. for native Windows games. Some other platforms are included as well, like Amiga and Commodore 64. In all cases, all you have to do is install and you're set! I also create custom artwork for them to make them extra snazzy.
Packages will not be made for games that are available on services like Steam or GOG - those options are already available and at your disposal. This project is about reviving hidden gems that aren't available by any modern, legitimate means, in an effort both to introduce others to games that should not go forgotten and in hopes of preserving them for the future.
Please note that no games are hosted on this website - they're hosted on Archive.org. That said, if the copyright holder of a particular game wishes it to be removed, send an email to zombs.lair@gmail.com and I will request that they be removed from Archive.org.
Each game has links both to the relevant Archive.org page as well as direct links to the corresponding file on Archive.org for download.